
+Jack Frost+

I'd actually have a lot of sponsor things to do, but they are gonna have to wait a while now!
 I wanted to show you think new wig I ordered from Ebay, a big suprise. It was kinda badly different from the product picture. I got really mad and got into a huge fight with the seller, but it will be alright!
The last short wig got me inspired to get more short wigs. And as the winter is coming I wanted the color to be icy and cold like snow. So I ended up to this purple silver wig. I was suppose to look like this..
..But a big suprise it ended up to be like this..
..depressing right? Here happened a very simple mistake when you buying things from ebay.
Don't buy from this seller HERE.

It's a good thing I've got use to handle this kind of cases and turn them to be wearable in the end!
When you make a mistake and get a wig that is not as you expected, and you don't wanna go trough the bother of sending it back to the other side of the world. There really isn't much to loose if you try cut it and style it over your self.
As you can see the result is now not nearly as bad as it was!
The bangs are shorter now so that the hair is not on my eyes all the time. I also cut off almost all of the purple, and made is more silver like with a little rids of purple hair. I still think this wig won't do without a hat! Haha!
Now I like this wig and it goes perfectly for a little Japan-Go-Go style!
What you guys think?
What have you done if your wig shopping's gone wrong?


  1. ihana peruukki! :) upeet silmättt!!! :ooo onksnoi jotku piilarit yms :)? sori oon retu... Sun blogi on muutenki upee!!!

  2. Oho saitpa ton peruukin näyttämään tosi hyvältä! Ja väri sopii jotenki sulle erittäin hienosti! Looking good!

    1. Kiitos! Ihon sävy tummenee hopeasta tosi terveesti!

  3. Wow you are so unbelievable beautiful!! Inspiration as always! (*_*) And your make-up is also amazing*v*
    You really are like a cameleon, always able to look totally different^^ And sad that the quality was so bad..ebay shops are really strange sometimes.. great how you could change it to some better :)

    1. Ouwh, thank you so much! I'm happy to hear you think so! ♥
      Yeah Ebay is sometimes untrustworthy but not loosing my hope on it yet!

  4. Mullakin käynyt näin ettei saapunut peruukki oo näyttänyt lainkaan samalta kuin myyntikuvassa, mutta saksilla selvittiin :) Olet taas upea!

  5. Saitpa tosta peruukista upean! Mut liian tuttua tollanen, kolme peruukkia lentänyt tähän asti roskiin laadun takia.

  6. Woah, that's much of a difference between your actual wig and the one that was shown on ebay. I can believe that it must be a hassle to reship it... I might have just a bad taste with this but I actually like the wig even before you having cut it! Of course after doing your styling and cutting the wig looks a lot better and it really suits you! But nothing that justifies buying a product and getting something whole different, though.
    I have experienced something like this since I have only once ordered a wig. But thank you for your advice with the wig ordering! <3

    much loves,

    1. I know, it wasn't same at all.. It's alright to have opinion! Maybe it wasn't as bad as I saw it, but I was blinded by what I was expecting so I tried to make it as alike as possible. You are anyway welcome and thank you for a comment! ♥

  7. Mulla on käynyt eBayn kanssa vähän samalla tavalla, tilasin ruskean peruukin ja sainkin blondin... Monesti on käynyt niin ettei saatu peruukki vastaa kuvaa. D: Mutta onneksi oon ainakin itse saanut kaikki ongelmat selvitettyä! Ja sunkin peruukki on tosi kivan näköinen leikkauksen jälkeen! Mulla on muuten samanlainen paita, hihi. ^^

    Tuli tuosta peruukkikuvasta mieleen (Diabolik Lovers haha), että tykkäätkö mangasta/animesta tai ootko esim. joskus harrastanut cosplayta? Tuntuu että monet gyaru/lolita jne tyyliset ihmiset on löytänyt tyylin juuri japaniharrastuksen kautta. Mutta se ei siis ole huono asia, itse olen suuri animen ja mangan kuluttaja. ^^

    1. Aina ikävä kuulla etten ole ainoa ongelaman kanssa. Onneksi näin ei käy joka kerta! Ebay on halpa, mutta sen sokaisemana aina riski. Hih, samis ;D

      Ei tietenkään ole huono asia! Erittäin ernu-harrastaja. Cosplay on mennyttä kun en osaa ommella mitään ja vie turhaan rahaa kun ei ole koskaan ollut niin rakas harrastus. Animea katson ja mangaa yhä luen ei siinä mitään ^^ Ja juuri siitä sarjasta tuon peruukin oli tarkoitus ollakin. Se olisi pienen muokkauksen jälkeen ollut loistava muotiperuukki!

  8. the wig after you fixed it looks very good! i thought was your real hair ^^;; for wigs i like to use taobao :D

    1. Ahah! Thank you so much! ♥
      I've tried to order from Taobao but for some reason I never succeed, it seems real complicated! D:


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