
+Dreams Come True+

This is real deal now, I am a writer! It's amazing. When I was still schooling writing was the worst of me after math and gym classes. I dreamed to become an artist for kids books but writing my whole own one is way better. Never even dared to dream of it till March 2013. One nights dream might become my whole life job. I am just thinking what this might bring for me. It's exciting and scary at the same time. It may bring me a job as a photographer whole day long or bring me a chance for a new book or who knows what, I can't know that, may not change anything. Only thing I know now is that I wish I could hug that little me on the school yard beaten up and tell her that if she can beat all the shit and fight till the end she is going to have the most amazing turn that will make all those years of war seem like nothing anymore. That's all I wanna say to her, but, I think she already knew back then.

And there is another price I got from Nori~ She said that the money that I will get with her from this book it's gonna be going straight to our wedding account~ And our own apartment. And one HELL OF A trip to celebrate this somewhere in London!

These 6 pages of paper made all shit in the past feel like nothing. I am the luckiest one right now. All amazing people I met during this book, I can't even tell how much happiness it has brought me! I can't wait till I can tell you all about this. All I can is that there will be 4 books giveaway in my blog when I get the free pieces~ So, something for you guys as well!

Okay I need to go working on this again, I just needed to write a little about this now. 
Thank you.


  1. Vau, tuntuu varmasti uskomattoman ihanalta! Onnea vielä! <3 Enkä malta odottaa, että pääsen joskus lukemaan tuon teoksen. Tuo soppari varmaan takaa aika suuren jakelun kirjakauppoihin?

    1. Kiitos! Unohdin kirjoittaa tuohon mutta viikolla 37-2014 se on kaupoissa~ Ja jos sinua onnistaa saatat voittaa sen arvonnassa ;) Tämä on kyllä todella ihanaa, kansi tehtiin tänään, kiitos kovasti tuesta! ♥

    2. Mahtavaa, sitä odotellessa siis! ^_^ Jos arpaonni ei lykästä, aion silti hankkia kirjan luettavaksi ja vaikka toivoa sitä lähikirjastoon.

  2. Oi, onnea todella paljon! :) Itselläkin joskus ollut haaveissa kirjoittaa kirja, mutta se on taas vähän jäänyt taka-alalle :) Onnea projektin pariin!

    1. Pikku neuvo; Kun näet unta, tee se heti! ♥ Kiitos!

  3. oi, vähän olen pikkaisen kateellinen ;_____; jospa minäkin joskus... ONNEA ISOSTI! ♥

  4. Hienoa, onnittelut! Minullakin on haaveena saada joskus oma kirja julkaistua, ja sinun haaveesi toteutuminen kyllä todella luo uskoa :)


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