
+ My Wig Story +

I think I have never told you guys my story of how I became to wear wigs?
Well today after working like crazy I think I write you a little story that is to take
you to see the most awkward moments of my wig world. Let's get started!

I started as a real poor looking bastard, who had no idea what looked good on her in any kind of situation. My hair has always been poor and I never knew how to do anything with it tough I wanted to. 

THIS is my real hair. My hair is not too thin that I couldn't style it the way others do, buns, tails etc. It just always turned out wrong. There is a spiral in my hairline that makes it impossible for me to have bangs. Okay I can but MAN what kind of work that is! And in an hour the hair will turn like this.

My first mission was to make my hair look flawless with less trouble. At first I started wearing hair extensions.

These pictures are from my blogs first 2 months. So sorry for showing them to you!
Anyhow, the extensions turned out not too fitting for me. They kept pulling my hair since I couldn't put them right. I kept burning my ears, fingers, forehead. Just wasn't my thing. I tried them again tough a year later when I bleached my hair, but if possible I did even worse. Lets move on before I start hitting my head to wall. 

Anyway, I had cosplayed for years so wigs were familiar to me. I hadn't worn them tough. But saw many do so! I came to think one day why couldn't I wear them without a Con behind it? So I ordered my first wig that I really REALLY though looked natural.. Did not.

So here was my first wig. And possibly one of the first make-ups I ever did.
Tough this wig looked awful, it didn't fall pretty, didn't wave in the wind, glowed like a firefly, I still felt confident in it. So I didn't stop there, I got more!

I must say, it takes a lot of eye, money and time to find what kind of wig is good one, if no-one tells you. I bought a lot from ebay and everytime the wigs were just a little to that direction I ordered. Only after I started ordering from actual wig stores the result turned better. Of course the Ebay got me lucky srikes once in a while!

I have worn all the colors in wig form there is. Except blue, green, grey.. fine there are some colors. Let's not get lost to that! The point is that no matter how lame, shiny or unrealistic wig I have been wearing I have gotten date suggestions from real good looking people, many people have complimented my hair and asked me who is my hair dresser. 

I've gotten sometimes comment from people that I am a cheater when I wear wigs. That wearing wigs is anymore face than really bad applied hair extensions, excuse me what? Wigs are beautiful and they allow people do styles their own hair doesn't them allow to do. People have to get over this, that is not real, so fake, you shame yourself? I mean, what the hell? People wear black lipstick, like anyone has naturally lips that color? It's part of the style! It's personal and big part of me. Since when beauty turned into crime?

All I can say is that once I tried wig on I haven't been able to live without wigs. I can name dozen great reason why to wear them and here is a few of them!

1. Your own hair thanks you when you don't dye your hair eveytime you wanna try something new.

2. Don't have to be scared of how will you look with shorter hair.

3. Your hair color ALWAYS will match your mood, clothes and new fashion trends.

4. Every girl and girl minded can become a princess.

5. Your hair won't go flat no matter if there is rain or frost or you sweat like crazy

This list I can keep up on all night!

The first thought for people in west have is that wigs are for Halloween or theme parties. Well yes the low quality once that you throw away are, but there are so many great quality wigs that just stun and blow your mind once you try them! You shouldn't be scared or ashamed! This is fun, saves time and totally awesome. In Paris there was a fashion show where the models were wearing wigs and in Asia its just real basic to wear wigs. Wigs help me to express myself and I couldn't be gladder that I came to find them!

Now it's all up to you gals!
Share me your story!

Which wig above was your favorite???


  1. Täällä myös yksi peruukkeihin hurahtanut. Olisiko sinulla suositella jotain nettikauppaa mistä saisi luonnollisennäköisiä ja värisiä peruukkeja hyvällä hinta-laatu suhteella? :) Tähän mennessä oon tilannut tukkaa lähinnä ebaysta, ei ole kallista, mutta eipä ole tosiaan kovin hyvääkään...

    1. Join the club! Tällä hetkellä en itse tilaa mistää erityisestä. Sain sponsoroituna kahdesta paikkaa, mutta molemmat lähetti samaa scheissea kuin Ebayn myyjätkin. Ebayn touhuun kyllästyin ja suoraan japanista tilaaminen on törkeen kallista. Niimpä nyt on perustumassa verkkokauppa suomeen, joka myy mm. japanin muotilehtienkin suosimien muotiperuukki-brändien tuotteita. Kesällä olisi kaupan tarkoitus aueta, joten jos odottaa jaksaa niin Winkie Winkien mallistoa kannattaa sitten vilkaista ;)

  2. Wigs are cool to change your looks :D I love wearing them occasionally for photos but I can't wear them out in hot country because my head will sweat and my scalp becomes really itchy. :( Still, it's fun to play around with them hehe~


    1. I understand! It's usually real cool and windy in Finland so most of the year the wigs bring the nice extra warmth :D
      But on one of my vacation trips there were over 30 degrees outside and wearing a wig felt like I should just dig a hole and die there! :'D And I never sweat!! But I still didn't drop it! Points up!

  3. Tykkäsin eniten noista pitkistä blondeista :)
    Oon käyttänyt vaan kerran peruukkia, sellaista lyhyttä tummanruskeaa. Käytin sitä sitten kyllä koko päivän :D
    Tuleeko Winkie Winkie'hin myyntiin sitten myös poikien peruukkeja? ^^

    1. Mulla on kanssa ikävä varsinkin tuota alempaa! Pitkään aikaan ei ole ollut oikeasti blonding blondia peruukkia! Peruukit on life! Winkielle tulee pari lyhyttä mutta ostajaryhmän puutteen vuoksi miehille suunnattuja peruukkeja ei tule ellei kysyntää tule :)

  4. Peruukit on tosi käteviä, tajusin sen kun rupesin harrastamaan cosplayta ja siinä sitten tilasin itselleni peruukin ihan normikäyttöönkin. ^^ Ja lisää olisi tietty kiva saada! Odotan innolla Winkie Winkien aukeamista. ^^

    Itselläni on juuri se ongelma että omat hiukset on tosi ohuet ja lättänät ja nykyään pidänkin niitä lyhyinä... Mutta pitkät peruukit on kivoja! ^^

    1. Tell me about it, gal!~
      En itsekkään malta odottaa! Niiiiin superia!
      Ohut tukka joka ei tottelo on kaikkein pahin, peruukit ovat pelastajamme! ;D

  5. miten sä säilytät noita peruukkeja, jaksaisitko ottaa jotain kuvaa säilytyksestä? kiinnostais! :)

    1. Säilytän niitä hyllyllä peruukkipäissä :) harjaan ne niiden hoitoaineella kerran viikossa, ei sen kummempaa! Jos ei ole peruukkipäitä kannattaa säilyttää peruukit niissä muovitaskuissa verkon alla jossa ne ovat alunperin tulleet. Tiiviisti ja harjattuina laskostaa pussiin, ei saa survoa! ;)

  6. Tervehdys.

    Aivan mahtava kirjoitus ja teidän nettikauppanne +++ . Vasta nyt olen tutustumassa monien vuosien pohdinnan jälkeen peruukkien ihmeelliseen maailmaan. Olen päättänyt tilata nettisivuiltanne mahd. pian (kun taloustilanteeni kohenee, atm köyhäilen mutta elokuussa helpottaa!) Brightlelen Ren-polkkamittaisen peruukin.

    Oma historiani hiuksieni kanssa on ärsyttävä: kärsin myös voimakkaasta pyörteestä. Tämän lisäksi minulla on kiusallisen ohut kuontalo otsani hiusrajan tuntumassa. Lisäksi hiusteni rakenne on hyvin lasimainen ja lässähtävä. Muotoilutuotteet eivät auta. Olen kyllästynyt tilanteeseen. Blogisi ja nettikauppanne viimeisteli päätökseni tilata peruukki.


    Yst. terv.


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