
+Can A Wish Of A Lifetime Come True?+

I've been let go on and on about how my birthdays suck. Yesterday Sally and I had a photoshoot at her place. Mean while there was something extra ordinary going on back at our home. I arrived home 7.pm after long rainy trip from Sally. We are off to leave to Stockholm tomorrow morning so the guys were gonna arrive to our place a few days earlier. I had no idea when tough, no one told me, that I found real weird? I opened the door, lights where out, I took of my jacket and..

 (Congratulations Miki)
There was food and friends and decorations all over our home!!
 I remember turning around and .. shaking and asking "Is.. Is this for ME?" I remember I started crying against my mothers shoulder, I was so happy and confused! I have never been suprised like that. It was.. everything I dreamed and more! People had thought about me. Nori told that her and Sanny had started planning this for months!
 I.. I still can't believe this happend. I stared at these pictures on my camera all last night in bed and still cried. It's a miracle and I couldn't be any happier!
Ruuska, Erica, Sanny, Yan-chan, Mother, Heidi, Nori and Ira my beloved fairy godmother~
 Bobo and her boyfriend Samuel couldn't make it to the party but they both took a video of themselves wishing me happy birthday and saying other serious and kind words! They were really funny and I cried here again.. god I'm such a crybaby!
 There were also presents?? I was so blown away! Suprise after another I thought I would pass out!! 
 Many faces of the luckiest girl in the world!
 Thanks girls! You SNEAKY little bastards!
 And YOU the main devil!! Thank you so SO much!!
 The rest of the night we played some word guessing games and laughed at each others shows!
 My team!
 Little Sing Stars!
Amazing presents!
If you keep wishing dreams come true. I no longer care about those bitches who ruined my birthdays back in the past. This all was worthy to wait and suffer for. Just perfect around perfect people who love me.

I feel a bit empty now since another burden has left my mind. Well I fill it up with nice new stuff and memories from Stockholm! Follow me via Instagram @mikiriirii to see where we are going there!



  1. Aww this is so cute! I just had one surprise party back on last week for my friend at Irish pub. I envy how thoughtful people you have around you. Happy Birthday for me too!

    1. I'm so glad I have to envy no more! Thank you so much! <3

  2. Aw this post is adorable, happy belated birthday! I'm happy you finally got an amazing surprise party :) I had mine last week too! And I understand that sad/nauseous feeling about birthdays from your last post. Too much pressure and negative perspective can definitely make the whole experience worse than it really is, that is something I learnt now that i look back. ^^;

  3. This so cute ; ; I am happy that you got the party you wished for so bady! <3333

  4. Kertoo kyllä, miten paljon sinusta välitetään, kun ystäväsi ja läheisesi halusivat näin ilahduttaa sinua <3 Tuli lukijallekin hyvä mieli :)

    1. Ihana kuulla ja kyllä tämä nyt siihen pakottaa uskomaan ;)


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