
+Little Red Riding Hood?+

Hi there! Wuz up?
My mother went trough her closets and she discovered my old red jacket! She also found 3 of my Lolita jackets that I am gonna sell as soon as I get them from her later this week, so if you are into them, then stay tooned! Anyhow, we went taking pictures with this jacket to test it out a little.
What you like of the red color on me?
New legwarmers!
Long time no seen Nori in here! Little smooch smooch, to annoy or brighten your day!
Randomness: I am loving these lemonades! Been drinking them like crazy!

So what are your thoughts? Rather is this jacket a keeper or not?


  1. Keeper! Tosi ihana takki, sopii sinulle hyvin!

  2. Samaa mieltä, tosi sulonen! Mullakin on jossain kirkkaanpunanen takki, taidanpa tästä inspiroituneena koittaa etsiä sen!

  3. Keeper! Ja oih, ihanat säärystimet! Mistä ne on vai onko itsetehdyt?

    1. Thanks for vote! Ne ovat tosi lämpöiset! Herran tähden en ikinä osaisi tehdä mitään vastaavaa :'D Lindexiltä ovat viime vuoden vanhaa mallistoa, syys aleista ostin!


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