
+❤You're Like A Doll❤+

Okay, this is very, VERY different post from me. I got sponsored by SoLolita.com. I attended so that I could get a wig. (Which turned out not to be one I choose.) Part of the deal was to also review one of their lolita dresses as they are the main products of the store. Lolita dresses are like piece of art. They make anyone look like a doll. I know I am not a lolita girl, but I am a costume girl. And like a coincidence there is Halloween knocking the door next week. So I call this a Halloween Review sponsored by SoLolita. This review is gonna be 100% honest.

The package arrived in 2½ weeks after we made the deal with the store. In that time they sewed and shipped the dress and wig for me, so kinda quick. To be honest I was expecting a month. So I give:
For the shipping and handling.
My little studio at home. In case if someone wonders where I get my pictures!
Next up the wig. 

Dream Girls Curl Sweet Roleplay Lolita Wig

So yeah this wasn't the one I wanted. I don't know was is about misunderstanding or what but this is one to go with now. The hair quality is real good and it's heat resistant fibre. Meaning you can style it with irons and heat. 
 I don't really like the styling. The hair is really light so it will fall very well on the shoulders, but the pink dyes are unatural and kinda clumsy for regular everyday use. Perfect for photoshoots or well, lolitas!
I give for the quality and styling
The reason is that for my liking the styling is too Anime like, like for a cosplay. Quality is still real good, nothing wrong with that. Just not my style!
Next up the dress!

Lolita White Cotton Square Neck Cap Sleeve knee-length Ruffles Bow Sweet Dress

The product picture:
The difference is quite noticeable. The bows are different and not well sued.  The fabric felt cheap and real thin. It got easily wrinkled. I didn't get a tutu to go under it so It's hard to say how it'd change with that. I am not an expert of Lolita dresses, but this is not any Angelic Pretty quality at least. It goes for costumes and photoshoots. But in nature it's not that fancy.
Not happy with the sewing, fabric choice and the unmatching bows.
The styled of lolita dress that I really like!
Perfect fit for my body, like Cinderella and the glass slipper!
There's the review and here comes your judge! Pictures of the Halloween! Enjoy!
(P.S I am not friend of bloody or classic things!)
The dress made me feel real innocent! Nice for the first try with Lolita! Thank you SoLolita for this sponsoring! Saved my Halloween!
What do you think for my Halloween costume?
Lolita my thing? Don't worry if you say it fits me I am not gonna start doing it!


  1. Äh näyttääpä varsinkin tuo pitsi huonolaatuselta tuossa yläosassa! Ihan erilainen kun niitten omassa kuvassa. Vähän noloo. Mutta sä olet maailman söpöin, kuten jo sanoinkin! <3

    1. Mekon laatu on ihan järkyttävä tohon hintaan! Mutta kiitos~ meni koko ilta nuita muokatessa! Tykkään itse kamalasti <3

  2. Olisi ehkä kannattanut kuvata kuvat muuta kuin valkoista taustaa vasten?
    Itseäni alkoi särkemään silmiin kun yritin erottaa että mistä mekko alkaa ja tausta loppuu..
    Eli itse olisin kaivannut jotain kontrastia mutta en nyt tässä mitenkään hauku näytä kuvia, näytät oikein nätiltä ja mekko istuu hyvin :3

    1. samaan asiaan kiinnitin huomiota :/ mutta mitä tosta mekosta erotti niin,ah ihana, haluun kans :3

    2. Kuvat on käsitelty kalibroidulla näytöllä. Ainakin iphonella näyttävät samalta kuin omalla koneellani. Koneillanne on varmaankin melko kirkas lednäyttö joka ei toista värejä oikein, koska eivät nuo nyt niin vaaleita ole etteikö niistä erottuisi olennaien. Harmillista :< Halloween utua niihin hain :)

  3. Ei minun näytölläni ainakaan ole hankaluuksia erottaa mekkoa taustasta. Hienoja kuvia, vaikka se nyt onkin itsestäänselvyys ;)

    Mielestäni on hyvä, että kirjoitit rehellisen arvion tuotteista. Monet saattaisivat kaunistella totuutta. Tietääpä ainakin olla tilaamatta tuolta mitään.


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